Bellingen Public School

Courtesy and Knowledge

Telephone02 6655 1147

About our school

The student population in 2018 at Bellingen Public School is 378 students, of which 10% are Aboriginal students. Our school has a Family Occupation and Employment Index (FOEI) of 83 which places the school as 'slightly advantaged'. All teachers have developed their own professional learning plan referenced to National Professional Standards for Teachers.

The 2018 school budget is $3,208,263 from which all staff salaries are paid. This also includes a total of $248,677 in Equity Funding (Socio–economic $60,886; Aboriginal$37,632.; Low level adjustment for disability $150,159);teacher's professional learning ($25,451) and technology support ($9,000). Other funds, including supplementary funds received throughout the year, making up our total budget allocation, are then used for additional student needs/support, asset replacement, utilities, maintenance and supplementation of teachers' professional learning plans.

High quality teaching and support staff, along with respected programs in the creative arts and for students with additional needs attract enrolments as families ‘tree change' to this beautiful area. Our school highly values its partnership with local preschools, high schools, businesses, community agencies and families as we commit to providing an inclusive, collaborative and compassionate quality learning environment which enhances learning experiences for our students.

Bellingen Public School provides an educational environment that reflects and supports the diverse community it serves. We aim to: Provide sequential development in all key learning areas with an emphasis on the development of literacy and numeracy skills; impart an understanding and acceptance of cultural diversity and equity; develop a critical awareness of the impact of technology on society so that students can use and adapt appropriate technological resources to enhance their learning opportunities; implement policies and procedures to enable all students to be active, safe and happy members of the school community; and encourage community involvement and participation in all school activities. The school grounds are spacious, contain extensive gardens and provide active and passive play areas with shaded rainforest areas for student enjoyment.

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