Bellingen Public School

Courtesy and Knowledge

Telephone02 6655 1147

Dept. of Education Deputy Secretary visit

It was an absolute pleasure to be able to host a visit by Murat Dizdar, Deputy Secretary, School Operations and Performance, from the Dept. Wednesday May 30.

Liz Scott's string ensemble very much set the scene for Murat to witness the strength of all our teaching and learning programs within our wonderful school. He commented on the strong culture of student engagement and the obvious success of so many of our learners – students and staff.

He also played basketball with some students at lunchtime, getting his 10 000 steps/day tally for his Premier's Sporting Challenge team!

Personally, and professionally, a very proud moment.

A special thank you to all our students, staff and community who made him feel so welcome.

String orchestra with staff and Deputy Secretary


Deputy Secretary talking with classroom teachersDeputy secretary playing basketball with pupils